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As an online marketplace, Qoo10 has been a popular platform for businesses to sell their products and reach a wider audience. One of the essential aspects of being a seller on Qoo10 is agreeing to their terms and conditions.

Qoo10`s seller agreement outlines the rules and guidelines that sellers must follow to ensure a fair and ethical marketplace. This agreement can be found on Qoo10`s website and must be agreed upon before setting up a seller account.

The seller agreement covers a range of topics, including payment, order management, product listing guidelines, and seller code of conduct. Let`s take a closer look at some of these key areas:

Payment: Qoo10 provides various payment methods for sellers, including PayPal, credit cards, and bank transfer. Sellers must ensure that they have a valid and active payment method set up to receive payments from Qoo10.

Order Management: Sellers must fulfill orders within the promised delivery timeline and ensure that the products are shipped according to the provided address. They must also communicate with buyers regarding order status and provide information on any delays or cancellations.

Product Listing Guidelines: Qoo10 has strict guidelines for product listings, which sellers must abide by. This includes accurate descriptions of the product, clear product images, and relevant product information such as brand and size. Sellers must also adhere to Qoo10`s prohibited item list, which includes items such as counterfeit products and weapons.

Seller Code of Conduct: Qoo10 expects sellers to conduct their business ethically and professionally. This includes providing prompt customer service, resolving any disputes amicably, and not engaging in fraudulent activities.

In conclusion, Qoo10`s seller agreement is a crucial document that all sellers must read and agree to before selling on the platform. By following these guidelines, sellers can ensure a positive and successful experience on Qoo10, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.